Daphne Boyer: Otipemisiwak
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Curated by Alyssa Fearon, Director/Curator and Tomas Jonsson, Curator of Moving Image and Performance.
Showcasing recent process-based works on paper, textile and 360º animation, Otipemisiwak* celebrates the lives and material cultures of three women: the artist’s great-grandmother, Eléanore; her grandmother, Clémence; and her mother, Anita. Works feature a digital-beading technique the artist invented called ‘Berries to Beads.’ The technique mirrors spectacular traditional Métis beading; it is both a meticulous and technically demanding practice and art form.
Daphne Boyer is a renowned visual artist and plant scientist, born and raised in Saskatchewan, and now living in Victoria. Her iterative practice combines plant material, high-resolution digital tools and women’s traditional handwork to create art that celebrates her family’s Métis heritage and honours plants as the basis of life on earth.
*People who live by their own rules.
Originally organized by MAI
Daphne Boyer, Barn Owl and Moon, 2019, digital collage of photographed berries. Pigmented ink on Canson rag paper. Laser-cut owl and mooon. Photo courtesy of the artist.
2021, Jul 3 2021 - All day
Dunlop Central Gallery,